All around the world there are lots of objects to help visually impaired people in navigation, mostly in the form of reliefs made of bronze or ceramics. Touching these miniatures introduces the structure of a main square in the city, a panorama or the architectural beauty of a special building.
In our country the Budapest- Budavár Rotary Club started the “TOUCHABLE-INVISIBLE” project.
Our purpose is to show important squares, buildings, building complexes or whole neighbourhoods, cities on a touchable relief to the visually impaired. And with these we would like to provide - a mediated but enjoyable - spatial experience, to give information, to provide assistance in navigation and to demonstrate the possibility and importance of selfless giving.
We hope that the thematic introduction and accomplishment of our “TOUCHABLE- INVISIBLE” project will contribute to improve the quality of life of our disadvantaged fellow human beings and to introduce the helpfulness of the seeing society.